Изисквани модули -
- Код за потвърждение: Избери целия код
- Код за потвърждение: Избери целия код
award_nades 1 //Enables the plugin
award_he 1 //How many HE Grenades a player should be awarded when killing another player?
award_fb 1 //How many Flash Bangs a player should be awarded when killing another player?
award_sg 1 //How many Smoke Grenades a player should be awarded when killing another player?
he_max 3 //What's the maximum number of HEs a player can be awarded with?
fb_max 5 //What's the maximum number of FBs a player can be awarded with?
sg_max 4 //What's the maximum number of SGs a player can be awarded with?
award_team Any //Which team should be awarded? (Any, CT, T)
award_headshot 0 //Is a Head Shot needed ot get awarded?
award_weapon any //What weapon is needed to get awarded? (knife, usp, glock18, etc.)
CMDs -
- Код за потвърждение: Избери целия код
say /awardcmds //Shows Award Grenades: Reloaded Commands
say /awardmenu //Shows a menu to know the awards and conditions
award_nades_toggle <0|1> //ADMIN_LEVEL_D, Enables or disables the plugin
award_nades_awards <he><fb><sg> //ADMIN_LEVEL_D, Changes the the awarded Grenades
give_nade <name> <nade> <amount> //ADMIN_LEVEL_D, Gives a Grenade to a player
//Leave <nade> empty to give all Grenades, 'he' to give HEs, 'fb' to give Flash Bangs, 'sg' to give smoke grenades
award_team_toggle <Any|CT|T> //ADMIN_LEVEL_D, Changes which team should be awarded? *case sensetive*
award_hs_toggle <0|1> //ADMIN_LEVEL_D, Changes if a head shot is needed to get awarded
award_wpn_toggle <any|weapon name> //ADMIN_LEVEL_D, Changes if a weapon is needed to get awarded (knife, usp, glock18, etc.)
award_valid_weapons //ADMIN_LEVEL_D, Shows valid weapons
award_valid_weapons2 //ADMIN_LEVEL_D, Shows the rest of the valid weapons
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